I’ve been fortunate to have the opportunity to work with some incredible people and organisations. Below are some testimonials from some clients about our experience working together.


“Alicia is a leading employment lawyer, outstanding workplace investigator and expert mediator and conflict coach. Alicia has excellent technical skills and sound judgment, but above all, tremendous 'EQ' and a real ability to connect with people from all walks of life. In my view, it is this last attribute which makes her such an effective mediator and coach.”

Daniel Proietto, Practice Group Head, Lander & Rogers Lawyers

“Alicia’s approach is to provide a safe and supported space for staff to express their concerns and difficulties as experienced by them and have them acknowledged without judgement. Mediation takes a special touch, guiding and supporting without judging or taking sides. Alicia has a natural talent for putting people at ease and working with them to achieve a sustainable outcome. This is supported by her legal training and commitment to ongoing development in her chosen field of conflict resolution. I am delighted to recommend Alicia and wish her continued success in this important area of work.”

Senior HR practitioner - at a University

“When organisations and teams are going through rapid change it is easy to focus on the tasks and forget about the people aspect and impacts of change. By undertaking a cultural assessment alongside the implementation, Alicia was able to build trust and confidence in the team by identifying the key aspects that needed addressing in successfully implementing change. By focussing on the solutions, Alicia was able to provide training, coaching and advice, to open up both managers and team members eyes to the opportunities of working together to fulfil outcomes. Since the cultural assessment there has been a measurable improvement within the team.”

Chief Financial Officer - at a University

“Alicia is enthusiastic, knowledgeable and tailors her content well to the audience when presenting. Not only does she have a very engaging style of delivery, she demonstrates great insight into what is really needed, be it education and training or in assisting parties in conflict.”

Rebecca Fraser, Head of HR - Energy Australia

As part of an organisational transformation project, Dumais Workplace Services Pty Ltd delivered Bystander Training to our entire workforce. Alicia worked with us to customize the training so that it was a perfect fit for our workplace culture. She provided real-life examples that were easy to understand, and presented in a manner that encouraged further discussion and questions. Alicia showed our staff the many practical ways they can assist themselves and their colleagues to advance our workplace culture to be one that is positive and supportive.

Alicia and the training she delivered had such an impact that it continues to be referenced by staff even though it is some months since it was delivered. We are very pleased that the training outcomes sought are now being realised. I would have no hesitation in recommending Alicia.”

Carol Armstrong, Human Resources Manager, Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority

"I have appreciated working with you on this journey, you have handled this very professionally"

Mediation participant

"I appreciate all the effort and work that you have done to make this process as peaceful and amicable as possible"

Mediation participant

"Thank you for you kind words and for the support provided, you have been a thorough professional and at no point gave me any doubt as to your genuine desire for the parties to achieve a positive result , which I feel has been achieved."

Mediation participant

“Thank you Alicia for making a painful and difficult process palatable and for the hope and energy that you brought to the process right from the start, which helped me with my initial resistance to the process and allowed me to engage in the process.”

Mediation participant

“Even though these are not the circumstances in which I would like to meet you Alicia, thank you for making this process as easy as possible in all of the circumstances. At no time did I feel judged by you and I always felt that you had our best intentions at heart. Thank you again.”

Facilitated discussion participant

“I feel like we moved a mountain in the sessions. I did not think this was possible. Thank you Alicia.”

Family mediation participant

“Alicia is an experienced employment lawyer and workplace mediator, with a very calm and engaging manner.”

HR Practitioner

“Thanks for everything. I know we wouldn't have made it here without everything you've done, and the skill, expertise and experience you contributed to the mediation process — so thank you again. And I wouldn't have made it through without your support, compassion and understanding.

Mediation Participant

“I already feel a lot better and that I have been listened to. I feel a big sense of relief.”

Mediation Participant